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rakuiboul hasan
Apr 12, 2022
In General Discussions
For a long time, when people look at home improvement, they not only look at home improvement itself, but more about what is behind the home improvement industry. When the development of the home improvement industry has entered a new stage, when people look at home improvement, they are also faced with the same problems and choices, thus showing some new characteristics, recognizing these characteristics, and finding new opportunities from them, can It really brings the development of the home improvement industry into a new stage. The home improvement industry is no longer traditional and primitive. When it comes to home improvement, the first thing people think of is tradition and primitiveness, whether it is from the operating mechanism of the home improvement industry job title email list or from the elements of the home improvement industry, it is almost the same. However, after the baptism of the Internet era, such a state of the home improvement industry is undergoing profound and comprehensive changes. More and more new elements have been added to the home improvement industry, such as artificial intelligence; such as big data; such as new materials and so on. When the new elements that make up the home improvement industry begin to change, the tradition and originality of the home improvement industry begin to be completely and comprehensively changed, and the home improvement industry is no longer in the state we think it is. A new revolution from the inside out began to be staged in the home improvement industry. At the same time, the operating mechanism of the home improvement industry is also undergoing a profound change. According to traditional understanding, what we think of as the home improvement industry is an inside-out process, that is, a process in which home improvement companies provide services to owners. During this process, owners passively wait for home improvement companies to provide products and services for themselves.
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rakuiboul hasan

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